Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Artemis Fowl

  This is a book about a twelve year old boy genius who has discovered the existence of fairys. however the faries are extremly technologicaly advanced thanks to the centaur Foaly.(There are different speices of fairy;elves,pixies,sprits,centaurs,gnomes,dwarves,goblins,trolls and demons.)Artemis captures the elf Holly Short, a Lower Elements Police recon fairy(L.E.Precon) who was on an investigation. The L.E.P assault the Fowl manor, recapture Holly and try to kill Artemis and his assistants Butler and Juliet.

rating 10/10-READ IT!!!!!!!


  1. absouloutly amazing, a great post and a super book L.B

  2. Nice book I'll think about reading it someday.
